Conservation Practices

Our Commitment to Sustainable Practices

At Zenner Family Farm, regenerative farming and conservation practices are intricately woven together, forming the fabric of our agricultural ethos. We believe that by nurturing the land, we can sustainably reap its bountiful harvests for generations to come. Our commitment to conservation practices such as minimal tillage, cover cropping, and soil health management not only enhances the resilience of our fields but also fosters a thriving ecosystem where biodiversity flourishes. By prioritizing these principles, regenerative farming improves soil health, water retention, and biodiversity while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Streamside & Wetland Buffers

By planting native trees, shrubs, and grasses along stream banks, we create natural buffers that act as filters, slowing water flow and allowing nutrients to seep into the ground. This dual benefit not only reduces soil erosion on our farms but also improves water quality in our streams, ensuring a healthier ecosystem for all.

Animal Integration

Transitioning from intensive cropland to managed cover crops, such as alfalfa and clover, is a cornerstone of our conservation efforts. Through rotational grazing, we allow our livestock to graze in different areas, promoting soil health and minimizing erosion. Introducing animals onto cover crops enhances soil biology diversity, fostering symbiotic relationships between plants, animals, and soil microorganisms. This integration further enriches our farm ecosystem and promotes natural nutrient cycling.

Soil Testing and Plant Sap Analysis

We take a proactive approach to soil health and nutrient management through regular soil testing and plant sap analysis. By analyzing nutrient levels within the plant at various growth stages, we can tailor our fertilization strategies to meet the specific needs of each crop, minimizing the use of synthetic herbicides and chemicals.


At Zenner Family Farm, we believe in the power of recycling organic waste into nutrient-rich compost. By composting crop residues and manure, we enrich soil fertility and stimulate microbial activity, fostering a thriving ecosystem beneath the surface.

Crop Rotation

By alternating crops in a planned sequence, we reduce pest pressure, improve soil health, and optimize nutrient utilization. From fall wheat to spring wheat to legumes, each rotation is tailored to the specific needs of our fields and the resources they provide.

Cover Crops

During fallow periods, we sow cover crops like legumes and grasses to protect our soil from erosion, improve its structure, and enhance organic matter content. Keeping the soil covered with vegetation or natural materials is essential to our regenerative approach. This protective cover helps retain moisture, prevent erosion, and foster a healthy soil ecosystem.

Reverse Osmosis Water System

By utilizing a reverse osmosis water treatment system, we purify and conserve water resources, reducing the need for synthetic chemicals and herbicides in our operations.

Plant Diversity

Embracing a diverse array of plant species promotes resilience within our ecosystem. By cultivating a rich tapestry of crops, we create habitats for beneficial microorganisms and insects, enhancing overall farm biodiversity.

Minimize Disturbance

We believe in working gently with the land, avoiding excessive tilling or chemical disruption of the soil. Through minimal tillage and no-till practices, we preserve soil structure and microbial diversity.

Living Roots

We strive to maintain living roots in the soil year-round, maximizing biological activity and carbon sequestration. This continuous presence of roots fosters soil health and nutrient cycling, contributing to the long-term sustainability of our farm.

Sustainable Farming Resources

Nezperce Soil and Water Conservation District

Explore valuable resources and guidance on conservation practices through the Nezperce SWCD website. From soil health to water management, they offer support and expertise to help farmers like us cultivate a sustainable future.

Pacific Northwest Direct Seed Association

As proud members of the PNDSA, we're part of a community dedicated to promoting direct seed farming practices. Discover the latest research, tools, and events aimed at advancing sustainable agriculture in the Pacific Northwest.

Spokane Soil & Water Conservation District

For farmers seeking local resources and assistance with soil and water conservation, the Spokane Soil & Water Conservation District is a valuable ally. Their expertise and programs support sustainable land management practices, benefiting both farmers and the environment.

At Zenner Family Farm, conservation isn't just a practice – it's a way of life. Join us as we cultivate a greener, more sustainable future for generations to come.