Our Crops

Nurturing Nature's Bounty

5,000 Acres


2,000 Acres



Fall & Spring Wheat

Our wheat fields flourish year-round. Whether it's the hearty resilience of fall wheat or the fresh promise of spring wheat, each harvest embodies the essence of our agricultural heritage.


Large & Small Garbanzos

Seeded with care in the spring, our garbanzo crops yield plump, nutritious legumes. From hummus to hearty stews, these versatile beans add a touch of wholesome goodness to every meal.



Seeded alongside the awakening of spring, our barley fields promise a bounty of grains for brewing or baking. With its rich flavor and nutritional benefits, barley is a cornerstone of our agricultural landscape.



Lentils are bursting with protein and fiber, enriching both soil and plate.


Winter & Spring Peas

Our spring pea fields burst into verdant splendor, offering a fresh harvest of tender pods. From soups to salads, these crisp delights bring a taste of spring to every dish.


Winter & Spring Canola

Rich in oils and nutrients, our canola fields burst into bloom, painting the landscape with swathes of yellow. From cooking oil to biofuel, canola offers a myriad of uses, embodying our commitment to agricultural innovation.



As a perennial crop with a lifespan of 5-10 years, alfalfa forms the backbone of our agricultural rotation. With its deep roots and nutritional value, alfalfa enriches both soil health and livestock feed.

Cover crop 3

Cover Crops

Whether sown in fall or spring, our cover crops blanket the land with a tapestry of green, enriching the soil and protecting it from erosion. From clover to rye, these crops play a vital role in our commitment to sustainable farming practices.

As each season unfolds, we harvest the fruits of our labor, celebrating the cycle of growth and renewal that defines life on the farm. Join us as we cultivate a brighter, greener future, one crop at a time.